Animal Ordering and Billing

How to Get Animals

If the animals are to be housed in one of the ACP-LAB (formerly DAR) Managed Animal Facilities—complete an animal order request in the ACP-LAB (DAR) BIO Access system. Instructions can be found here.


NIA and NCI animal orders to be submitted to ACP-LAB (DAR) no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday for next week delivery. All other animal orders to be submitted by 12:00 p.m. Wednesday for next week delivery. All animal orders received by the current week's deadline should expect an email order confirmation that week by 12:00 p.m. that Friday.

Please note these special circumstances may extend the animal order/delivery times:

If the vendor is not listed in the vendor drop down menu it is not considered an “approved vendor”.  The vendor will need to be vetted by our Veterinary staff before the request for order will be approved.

For all animal orders that require a signed COU or MTA, the PI and their Business Office will be notified, and required to process the COU/MTA through the proper channels and create the purchase order.

If fee for materials is required the COU or MTA should be routed through Ibuy Contracts +. Please email the approved COU/MTA and PO# to referencing the Animal Order Req# and we will finalize the order with the vendor.

Lab Animal Vendors Commonly Used

The vendors listed below are a trusted source for lab research animals and the most frequently used by researchers on campus. Links provided for your reference. All animal orders must be placed following the instructions listed above. 

The Jackson Laboratory (

Charles River Laboratories

ENVIGO + Helping customers secure the potential of life enhancing research and products


How does ACP-LAB determine what C-FOAPAL to charge when animals are ordered?

PIs must enter the CFOP information into the ACP-LAB (DAR) BIO system, see the ACP-LAB (DAR)BIO instructions.

When does the C-FOAPAL change?

The same C-FOAPAL will continue to be billed until changed in the ACP-LAB (DAR) BIO system by the PI see ACP-LAB (DAR) BIO instructions.

How do I request a change in the C-FOAPAL currently being billed?

PIs must enter updates to CFOP information into the ACP-LAB (DAR) BIO system, see the ACP-LAB (DAR) BIO instructions.

What is the time frame to change a FOAP for billing?

The CFOP must changed in the ACP-LAB (DAR) BIO system by the PI no later than the 15th of the month that the CFOP ends. The PI’s business office will be responsible for making any corrections billed to the PI's account if not changed in a timely manner.