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Mouse Parvoviruses (MPV and MMV)

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There are two important parvoviruses of mice: minute virus of mice (MVM) and mouse parvovirus type-1 (MPV-1).

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  • Background: There are two important parvoviruses of mice: minute virus of mice (MVM) and mouse parvovirus type-1 (MPV-1). Minute virus of mice (MVM) is an important infectious agent in laboratory mice. It is an ssDNA virus of the family Parvoviridae. Multiple strains have been described. Mouse parvovirus type 1 (MPV-1) is a recently recognized and important infectious agent in laboratory mice. It is an ssDNA virus of the family Parvoviridae and was formerly known as orphan parvovirus. Three isolates of one serotype have been identified.
  • Transmission: The parvoviruses require rapidly dividing cells (such as GI, skin, and lymphoid organs) to survive. They are shed in urine and feces and may be transmitted via respiratory routes. They are highly contagious and shed viruses for an undetermined time after infection. Direct contact with affected animals is probably required, but transmission has not been well characterized. It is important to realize that it is not known if intermittent shedding of the virus occurs when mice harboring the virus in the intestines are exposed to environmental or experimental stressors. MVM has been reported as a common contaminant of transplantable tumors and mouse leukemia virus stocks.

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  • Mice
  • parvovirus
  • mvm
  • mpv-1