Stabilization of Newly Arrived Research and Teaching Animals
Following transport to a campus facility, animals should be maintained in their home cages/pens for at least 48 hours prior to use in teaching or research activities.
Animals that are transferred between housing facilities on the Urbana-Champaign campus do not need to undergo a stabilization period.
Both the Guide and Ag Guide state that newly received animals should be given a period for physiologic, psychologic, and nutritional stabilization before their use. The length of time necessary for stabilization depends on the species involved, type and duration of transport, and intended use of the animals. The researcher should evaluate whether stabilization beyond 48 hours would be necessary and appropriate.
In accordance with this document, entrance physical exams are required on all USDA-regulated animal species prior to their use in research or teaching activities. Entrance exams are performed appropriate to the species. These exams will be conducted by the ACP-Lab or the ACP-Ag veterinary staff during the 48-hour acclimation period. In some instances, it may be necessary to extend the acclimation period to allow for completion of the required entrance physical exams.
Exceptions to the policy must be detailed and justified in the IACUC protocol.