Standards and Procedures

Guideline for the Identification of Singly Housed Animals


This policy applies to all singly housed animals within the UIUC ACP-LAB (formerly DAR) animal facilities.


To describe the procedures for classifying and labeling animals that are single housed. As outlined by Animal Housing Policy (, social housing should be the default method of housing for social species of animals unless otherwise justified or exempted by IACUC policy. All single-housed animals on campus must be identified with the reason they are housed singly.

Classification of Single-Housed Animals with Individual Cage Cards

Identify single-housed animals using a color-coded dot sticker, using one of the following exemption codes:

A Attrition: The animal is now single-housed due to a lack of suitable littermate, death, weaning, separation, or new arrivals shipped separately. Personnel may contact veterinary personnel if pairing or group housing animals is desired following attrition.
F Fighting: Includes males and females that have been separated due to aggression or demonstrated and documented social incompatibility.
P Protocol-Specific Reasons: Animals must be individually housed due to approved scientific and/or protocol-specific reasons.
V Veterinary Treatment: Animals must be individually housed due to ongoing veterinary treatments.
B Breeding: Animal must be individually housed either because it is a stud male that will fight with other males and is not currently being bred to a female or because it is a pregnant female removed from its home cages to prevent overcrowding resulting from multiple litters in a cage.



Classification of Single-Housed Animals Without Cage-Cards

Justification for single housing should be appropriately designated through another visible method (ex: sign on the door of an animal room, sticker on the cage, binder log, etc).

Approved Date

Revised Date
