Animal Care Program for Laboratory Animals
Ensuring High-Quality Animal Care
The Animal Care Program for Laboratory Animals (ACP-LAB) - formerly the Division of Animal Resources (DAR) - is responsible for ensuring high-quality animal care and for providing training in and consultation on the safe, humane use of laboratory animals in research and education in compliance with federal regulations and campus policies, in partnership with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, researchers, students, and regulatory agencies.
Controlled Substances
Principal investigators who require controlled substances for their research must obtain their own State of Illinois and Federal controlled substances licenses. Information on obtaining these licenses is listed below. Please contact if there are any questions about this process.
Obtaining a Controlled Substance License
State of Illinois
Illinois Controlled Substances License
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
ATTN: Illinois Department of Professional Regulation
320 W. Washington Street
Springfield, IL 62786
Researcher Controlled Drug Registration- DEA Form 225
Kluczynski Federal Building
230 South Dearborn Street
Suite 1200
Chicago, IL 60604
312-353-1236 (New Applications)
800-478-7630 (New Applications in state only) (select “New Applications Online” in quick links section)
Non-Controlled Drug and Supplies
Many distributors have applied restrictions that no longer allow persons who do not hold a DVM license to place orders. ACP-LAB has implemented procedures to assist researchers in obtaining non-controlled drugs and supplies needed to facilitate research. Investigators are asked to submit a completed Non-Controlled Drug and Supply Request via email for processing.
You should expect confirmation that your request has been received within two to three business days. Supply orders will be placed twice a month (on or about the 15th and 30th of each month). Receipt of shipments may take up to two weeks for delivery. Your contact person will be notified when the items are ready for pick up at the ACP-LAB main office.
Per Diem Rates
The Animal Care Program per diem rates are based on an actual annual cost. View the per diem rate table here.
Animal Orders, Import and Exports
For information about Animal Orders, Imports and Exports, please view this information.
Contact Information
Main ACP-Lab Office
1 Observatory Building
901 S. Mathews
Urbana, IL 61801
217-333-2564 (phone)
217-244-7963 (fax)
- ACP-Lab Administration
Helen Valentine, DVM, MS, DACLAM
Attending Veterinarian
Director, Animal Care Program
helen@illinois.eduNicole Herndon, DVM, DACLAM
Associate Director
nherndon@illinois.eduJessica Xu, DVM, DACLAM
Assistant Director
jjxu@illinois.eduIx Marquez, DVM, MS
Postdoctoral Research Associate
imarqu4@illinois.eduChris Learned, BS, LAT
Associate Director of Operations
clearned@illinois.eduHolly Clem, LATG
Facility Operations Coordinator
hclem@illinois.eduJamie Ludwig, BS, CVT, LAT
Assistant Director of Animal Support Operations
jjocksch@illinois.eduJamie Price
Assistant Director of Business and Finance
emberton@illinois.eduMary Delaney
Office Manager - Veterinary Clinical Staff
Group contact for veterinary technicians:
Cher Cain, BS, CVT, LAT
Veterinary Technician I
bugclc@illinois.eduPhaedra Hutchison, CVT
Veterinary Technician II
phutchis@illinois.eduChristine Stroink-Pickering, MS, CVT
Veterinary Technician I
stroink1@illinois.eduFatima Chavez Canales, CVT
General Veterinary Technician - Occupational Health and Safety Staff
Sara Myers, BS
Assistant Director of Occupational Health and Safety - Animal Facility Supervisory Staff
Dack Shearer, ALAT
Animal Care Coordinator
dshearer@illinois.eduEdward R. Madigan Laboratory
EJ Eastin, BS, ALAT
Animal Care Coordinator
eastin@illinois.eduInstitute for Genomic Biology
EJ Eastin, BS, ALAT
Animal Care Coordinator
Dack Shearer, ALAT
Animal Care Coordinator
Marc Mitchell
Animal Caretaker
lmm2607@illinois.eduSchool of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Jamie Reed, LAT
Animal Care Coordinator
jfreed@illinois.eduVeterinary Medicine Animal Facility
Reid McClure, RLAT
Animal Care Coordinator