Report a Protocol Adverse Event or an Animal Welfare Concern on an Animal Research or Teaching Protocol
If you require urgent veterinary medical assistance, contact veterinary staff at one of the following numbers:
- ACP-Lab Facilities: 217-333-2564
- ACP-Ag Facilities: 217-333-2000
- Wildlife Issues: 217-244-1195
- Privately-owned Animals: 217-333-5300
Report an Event or Concern
Report unexpected adverse events occurring on an approved protocol via the button below. The Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee office and the Animal Care Program veterinary staff will receive your report. You will be notified of any corrective action you need to take.
Anyone concerned with an animal's welfare or aware of non-compliance with animal care protocols, policies, rules, regulations, and laws, should contact the Animal Care Program as soon as possible. By making a report via the button below, your concern will be relayed to the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee, Animal Care Program veterinarians, and the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation.
Types of Concerns
The following types of concerns can be reported via the button above.
Adverse Events
Activities performed according to protocol but an unexpected event occurred.
Facility Incidents
Facility personnel, systems, or structure failure impacting animal welfare.
Animal protocol was not followed as approved.
Animal Welfare
Improper treatment of, or conduct to or around, any animal.
Whistleblower Protections
Federal law and university policy prohibits discrimination against or reprisals for UIUC student and employee whistleblowers. Reports are anonymous and will remain confidential. Reporting an incident of suspected non-compliance or mistreatment of animals will initiate an investigation. Findings and recommendations are reported to the institutional official.
Contact Information
Animal Care - Laboratory
Animal Care - Agricultural