Standards and Procedures

Guidelines for Implementation of IACUC Policy on Import of Rodents


The process for implementing the IACUC policy regarding the import of rodents to campus is outlined below. 

  1. Download the Animal Request and Animal Import Request forms.
  2. Provide all requested information and submit completed forms electronically to ACP-LAB via email. If someone other than the UIUC investigator submits the form, the investigator must be copied on the emailed submission:
  3. Upon receipt of the completed forms, the ACP-LAB (formerly DAR) central office will verify the information with the current IACUC protocol. Confirmation of approved requests will be emailed to the UIUC research staff and the ACP-LAB import/export coordinator.
  4. ACP-LAB will work directly with the originating institution’s laboratory animal veterinarian or import/export coordinator to gather the required health information. In most cases, the last 12 months of colony and facility health surveillance data is sufficient. However, additional testing or information may be requested.
  5. ACP-LAB vet staff will review health surveillance data to verify acceptable monitoring practices and potential pathogen exposure. Approval to ship animals will be sent by ACP-LAB in writing to the originating institution’s veterinarian or import/export coordinator.
  6. The UIUC investigator and RQF staff will be notified promptly of the approval to ship.
  7. Import/export coordinator will coordinate shipping.
  8. Once animals are received in the RQF facility they will be subject to routine microbial monitoring. Access to RQF is restricted to ACP-LAB staff unless authorized by ACP-LAB veterinarian.
  9. Each UIUC investigator is notified via letter at the start of quarantine outlining costs associated with the RQF.

Please note it could take several weeks to gather all information needed to approve an import request. Allow time for processing as well as the typical four weeks of quarantine before the use of these animals will be required.

Related Policies

Approved Date

Revised Date
